EDxTM™ – Level 1

Founded by Fred P. Gallo, Ph.D., energy diagnostic and treatment methods is the most advanced energy causal diagnostic and treatment system available, incorporating principles of applied kinesiology, bioenergy, consciousness, and cognition to efficiently treat a wide array of psychological problems. EDxTM involves manual muscle testing, enhanced intuition, and techniques to assist practitioners in tailoring interventions to rapidly alleviate psychological problems, including anxiety, panic, PTSD/trauma, depression, persfdonality disorders, addiction, overweight, relationship problems, physical pain conditions, blocks to peak performance, and a wide range of other conditions.

Embedded in the assumption that bioenergy operates at the very essence of physical and psychological health, EDxTM offers means of assessing bioenergy information, thus aiding the practitioner in applying precise interventions to efficiently alleviate the affective and cognitive components of the targeted condition. EDxTM also involves elevating thought recognition and consciousness so as to promote ongoing well being.

EDxTM includes power tools that can be used in concert with many other therapeutic approaches. Many practitioners have integrated EDxTM with psychodynamic approaches, transactional analysis, cognitive-behavioral therapy, couples and family therapy, etc. EDxTM significantly enhances the practitioner’s effectiveness and efficacy in providing therapy, consultation, peak performance enhancement, and education.*

*Although EDxTM is clinically effective, there are no guarantees offered about its effectiveness for the individual practitioner. The effective application of EDxTM is entirely the responsibility of the practitioner, and it is therefore incumbent upon the practitioner to apply the methodology in areas for which appropriate training has been obtained. Similar to other therapeutic approaches, EDxTM is significantly affected by qualities of the practitioner.

Energy Diagnostic & Treatment Methods™ (EDxTM™) Level 1 – Topics

The EDxTM™ Level I Course is a 12-hour, 2-day training, detailing the following aspects of the Methodology:

History and theory, manual muscle testing, 14 alarm (test) points, 16 treatment points, psychoenergetic reversals, criteria-related reversals, neurologic disorganization, emotional neurovasculars, basic single point protocol, overenergy diagnosis and corrections, introduction to energy toxins, preparation and debriefing, Negative Affect Erasing Method™ (NAEM™), and the Healing Energy Light Process™ (HELP™).

EDxTM™ Level I is the first in the series of training that comprises the Advanced Energy Psychology® EDxTM™ Practitioner Certification Program. Completing Level I prepares the practitioner to effectively apply these basic methods within the practice setting. After completion of this training, the practitioner may choose to complete the remaining courses of the Advanced Energy Psychology® EDxTM™ Practitioner Certification Program, which entails advanced methodologies.

Advanced Energy Psychology® Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods™(EDxTM™) Level 1 – Objectives

  • Learn EDxTM™ history and theory.
  • Develop expertise with standardized manual muscle testing to diagnose psychological problems.
  • Learn to diagnose and treat various blocks to treatment effectiveness, including psychological reversal and criteria-related reversals.
  • Learn to identify test and treatment points relevant to effective treatment.
  • Learn to diagnose and treat neurologic disorganization/switching.
  • Learn to diagnose the need for and to apply various stress-reduction and “brain balancing” procedures.
  • Learn the role of energy toxins in the development of psychological problems.
  • Learn to apply the Negative Affect Erasing Method™ (NAEM™).
  • Learn to apply the Healing Energy Light Process™ (HELP™), a method that combines NAEM™ with aspects of yoga, progressive relaxation, visualization, and HeartMath.